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Featured on Cosmopolitan’s “31 Best Horror Books of All Time”

Joe works at a facility that performs human experimentation. His work just followed him home.



Just your average father-son story... with abduction, torture, and murder.



Amy didn’t expect to be invited to Caleb’s wedding. And now she doesn’t expect to survive it. 


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About the Author

T.J. Payne writes primarily in the horror and thriller genres. His writing style relies on a light touch, using simple, smooth prose to build and maintain the story's horrific intensity. Through this style, Payne weaves in deeper themes and questions about human nature, particularly the subtle line between Good and Evil. Traditional Hero and Villain archetypes are often flipped in Payne's work. His characters may not always be likable, but their faults and sins are profoundly human. 

Humans are the only species on Earth with the capability to create both great beauty and unspeakable acts of cruelty. The exploration of that duality has always been central to Payne's work.

Despite his gritty, dark work, Payne lives a very happy, non-murderous life. He married his high school sweetheart and together they enjoy exploring National Parks with their dog Frank (on leash and with plenty of poop bags, of course; he's not a sociopath). 

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